We've already told you about the eating plan Victoria Secret models follow that's actually sustainable.

But what about 44-year-old Heidi Klum? Looking at the photos of her at last night's Emmy Awards, you wouldn't imagine she eats chocolate every week.

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So how does a superstar who actually insured her legs for $2.2 million in 2004 eat?

One look at the Heidi Klum diet and you'll see, you don't become a global icon without fuelling your body right.

Back when she was our cover star WH spoke to Heidi's nutritionist, Oz Garcia, to find out.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Breakfast: 3 organic scrambled egg whites with spinach, green peppers, spring onions and parsley, a small bowl of fresh fruit and tea without milk.

Lunch: 170g of turkey with 90g basmati rice or 170g quinoa and stir-fried vegetables.

Dinner: 170g of salmon with lemon and garlic and a mixed green salad with broccoli florets and cucumber dressed with 1 tbsp of olive oil.

Dessert: Yogurt, fresh sorbet, or 70% cocoa dark chocolate.

One of Heidi's secrets to staying in such great shape? She incorporates exercise into her daily routine. Heidi worked out with New York City trainer David Kirsch for years (he helped her drop the weight after she gave birth to each of her kids), but she no longer sticks to a structured workout plan.

“I have a treadmill that’s really great, but it just sits there unused. It looks nice, but I don’t have time to use it.”

To slip fitness into her jam-packed schedule, she makes family time double as exercise. She walks her dogs, rides her bike near the beach in Santa Monica while her kids ride along on their bikes, and jumps around with them on the trampoline.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Breakfast: 2 or 3 organic scrambled egg whites with spinach, green peppers, spring onions and parsley with added feta or mozzarella and tea with milk.

Lunch: 170g of chicken stir-fried and vegetables with 90g of basmati rice and a mixed-leaf salad with ½tbsp of olive oil.

Dinner: 170g grilled chicken marinated in lime juice and parsley with a rocket salad dressed with ½ a tablespoon of olive oil and a tea without milk.

Snack: 150g plain Greek yogurt.

She's also a fan of cooking simple, healthy meals to stay in shape. Every week, Heidi whips up a big pot of soup, and the children help with the peeling and chopping.

“They see how things are done and what goes into it. Someone doesn’t just drop it off in a [delivery] bag.”

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Breakfast: 2 runny eggs topped with ½ a tablespoon of homemade salsa and sprouted grain bread.

Lunch: 170g of scallops sautéed with spring onions, minced garlic, and fresh parsley, green beans and a rocket, chicory and radicchio salad with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Dinner: 170g grilled chicken, pan-tossed zucchini, kale, onions, and tomatoes with a mixed baby green salad dressed with ½ a tablespoon of olive oil.

Snack: 1 organic pear with 8 raw cashew nuts.

Heidi’s busy lifestyle dictates that lunch is often eaten on set, and a trip to the catering table can mean navigating a minefield of refined carbs.

Of course, even Heidi Klum makes exceptions. And when she splurges, she makes sure it’s worth it. “[I was] out to dinner this weekend, and truffles are in season. I had to have the truffle pizza and the truffle pasta. It’s not like I don’t [indulge], but not all the time.”

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Breakfast: Superfood smoothie made with chia. maca or acaii powder, blueberries and whey protein

Lunch: 170g grilled tuna with 90g of brown rice and roasted vegetables

Dinner: A sushi roll with a large hijiki seaweed salad and edamame beans without soy sauce.

Snack: An organic hard-boiled egg.

The secret to such an envy-inducing body at 44? Heidi starts the day with a veggie- and fruit-packed breakfast as an insurance policy to guarantee she gets in her vitamins and fiber before the day becomes too hectic.

“One thing [the kids and I] do is have a smoothie every morning,” she says. She has cut-up produce in the fridge, ready to go at 6 a.m.—when her morning routine starts—so there are no excuses.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Breakfast: 2 or 3 egg whites scrambled with red and green peppers and onions.

Lunch: 70g of salmon with green beans, cucumbers, and tomatoes on a bed of greens, steamed cauliflower and Brussels sprouts dressed with 2 tbsp of olive oil.

Dinner: 170g of roasted duck with steamed or stir fried vegetables such as spinach or kale.

Snacks: A green juice with organic spinach, kale, cucumber, and ½ carrot or a fresh fruit salad with half a grapefruit, cherries, nectarines, blueberries and strawberries.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Want to workout like Heidi, too? We've got her tips and tricks: Heidi Klum Reveals 4 Ways To Stay In Shape In Your 40s. Or check out What I Eat In A Week By The Saturdays' Una Foden.

Feeling inspired to try something new in the kitchen? Try this sweet potato toast recipe from Madeleine Shaw:

[youtube align='center' autoplay='0']https://www.youtube.com/embed/IlB5sMUKXqc[/youtube]